We endeavor to bring the teaching of yoga into a place that is remarkable in its beauty, far from home and unfamiliar. Navigating travel and a foreign environment/culture, having new experiences, meeting new folks can take us out of our rote, habitual, mundane routine and bring us opportunities to wake up, pay attention, learn and grow, experience AWE.
We hope that these experiences will create or act as a path to your soul- the part of you that lies within… beyond the myriad roles and labels we accumulate that tend to simplify and define us.
We are defining the soul in terms of a spiritual/intangible concept that is elusive, yet deeply felt and oftentimes indescribable. “Awakening within…creating a soul path”, is designed to teach techniques and provide opportunities… a soul path, for us individually as well as collectively to awaken more fully into a state of mindful awareness so that we make better choices, live life more skillfully and experience more joy. This is a life characterized by expressions of compassion and loving-kindness toward self, others and the environment. It is a perception that there are no others… as we are all connected by our common humanity.
Contact jerisenor@gmail.com for more information.